About Me


Chinese Calligraphy Master and Woodcraft Enthusiast

My calligraphy journey

I am a Chinese calligraphy artist who has been practicing Chinese calligraphy since I was 4. I probably held the brush long before I held a pen.

It all started as an extra activity after nursery school. I learned how to paint different strokes and how to write some simple Chinese characters. Then I fell in love with calligraphy. It gave me a feeling of peace and calm, and as I grew older, I came to truly appreciate the beauty of Chinese calligraphy. So I started really studying it from the age of 10, following a calligraphy artist (Shifu 師) from my city. I kept practicing at least one hour each day until high school.

Chinese calligraphy has always been a part of Chinese culture. It contains Chinese philosophy. Good calligraphy work has been appreciated for the past 5000 years

From left: Running/Semi-Cursive script (行書), Clerical script(隷書) and Regular script (楷書)

Scripts that I am expert in

Most of my artwork are written in Running script and Regular Script.

Regular script (楷書) is the first calligraphy style I started to practice. It is the most commonly used script and served as my foundation for learning all the other styles. Next, I learned Clerical script, or also known as Official script (隷書). This is a more ancient form compare to Regular script. After that, I learned Running script or also known as Semi-Cursive  (行書). As the name indicates, some of the strokes are connected, and Running Script looks like the brush is running on the paper when one writes. These three scripts are very common in daily life, and the essential techniques of Chinese calligraphy are trained by practicing these three scripts. I taught myself Cursive script (草書), and Seal script (篆書).

Promote Chinese culture through sharing real calligraphy with the general public

When I studied and worked abroad, I found that many people showed interested in Chinese culture. Many of my classmate, friends and colleagues asked me to translate their names into Chinese, which inspired me to use Chinese calligraphy as a tool to introduce Chinese culture.

Normally, authentic work by a trained calligraphy artist would be in a different price class than the cheap and widely availably works of enthusiastic but inexperienced practitioners. However, my goal is to promote Chinese culture through sharing real calligraphy with the general public, so I try to keep my prices as low as possible.

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Professional Chinese Calligrapher

Let's work together

Feel free to get in touch to enquire about calligraphy artwork commission for yourself or for corporate collaboration.